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Take a Deep Breath: Mastering Stress Management

Katerina Khrustaleva Touchon

man at computer stressed out with his hands on head

Feeling overwhelmed by stress? Don’t worry by the end of this blog you will have some tools to help you deal with it.

I know all about it, trust me.

Last year I got so stressed out I nearly passed out like two separate times. Have you ever had one of those moments where your head starts spinning, your heart is beating out of your chest, and you feel like you might be having a heart attack?

That’s called a panic attack.

man stressed out with his hands on his head in front of a sign that reads panic attack

Remember to take a step back, breathe, and prioritize self-care. Whether it's a relaxing bath, a walk in nature, or simply enjoying a good book, finding what works for you is key to managing stress and keeping a clear mind 💆‍♀️🧘‍♂️

But that’s not all you need, you also need a system. Having a self-development system in place is like having a personal GPS to guide you towards your goals and dreams. And let's face it, who wants to be stuck in the same place year after year? By continuously learning and growing, you can turn life into a fun adventure filled with exciting opportunities.

But don’t get stressed out about being stressed out.

It's the ultimate irony, isn't it?

We get stressed out about being stressed out! It's like we're so worried about feeling overwhelmed that we create even more stress for ourselves. But hey, at least we have each other! Let's take a step back, breathe, and have a good laugh at the absurdity of it all. After all, laughter is the best medicine for stress. 😂

Ethnic man looking over the ocean in a meditation sitting position

Meditation is crucial to the process of letting go of the things that are stressing you out.

Meditation is a mindfulness technique that can help reduce stress by promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety.

We all get wrapped up in our head lost in the past or dreaming of the future. We are never right here right now.

When you meditate, you focus your attention on the present moment and pay attention to your breath, thoughts, and physical sensations. This helps to quiet your mind and calm your nervous system, reducing feelings of stress and tension. Meditation also helps to improve mood, increase feelings of well-being, and boost resilience, which can help to counteract the negative effects of stress.

When you regularly meditate you can train the brain to respond to stress in a more relaxed and controlled manner, making it easier to manage stress over time.

Here is a list I put together of 5 different ways to meditate: use these to help you deal with your stess.

Mixed race woman in early 30s meditating

  1. Breathing Meditation: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Focus on your breath and breathe deeply and slowly, counting each inhale and exhale. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to your breath. Keep breathing and counting until you feel calm and relaxed. "There you go, my love. Just breathe and let go of all your worries."

  2. Body Scan Meditation: Lie down or sit comfortably. Starting from your toes, focus your attention on each part of your body, noticing any sensations or feelings. Move up from your feet to your head, noticing and releasing any tension you find along the way. "Now, let's give your body a big hug and tell it how much we love it."

  3. Guided Meditation: Find a quiet place and sit or lie down. Listen to a guided meditation audio or use an app. Follow the instructions given, imagining yourself in a peaceful, relaxing place. "Just sit back, relax, and let the guide take you on a wonderful journey."

  4. Loving Kindness Meditation: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Bring to mind someone you love, someone who is neutral to you, and someone who you find difficult. Imagine sending love and kindness to each person, repeating a phrase such as "may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be at peace." "Oh, my love, let's spread some kindness and love to everyone, even those who may be difficult."

  5. Walking Meditation: Find a quiet place to walk, such as a park or garden. Focus your attention on the sensation of each step and the sensation of the ground under your feet. Walk slowly and mindfully, noticing your thoughts and emotions but not getting caught up in them. "Let's take a nice, slow walk and enjoy the beauty of the world around us."

We hope you found this blog post helpful in understanding the impact of unhealthy habits on stress levels and the steps you can take to reduce stress. Remember, making small changes to your habits and lifestyle can have a big impact on your overall well-being.

If you're ready to take control of your stress levels and start living a healthier, happier life, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Try doing the Change You Challenge in particular the guided meditations.

Let us know in the comments what you thought of this post and how you're planning on reducing stress in your life. And don't forget to share this post with your friends and family, who may also benefit from the information.

Thanks for reading, and we look forward to hearing from you!

© 2023 Zach Touchon. All Rights Reserved 



The information and content provided on this site, including but not limited to meditation music, guided meditations, daily intentions, and fitness programs, are for educational and entertainment purposes only. This site does not provide medical or professional advice, and should not be used as a substitute for professional health care, wellness, or therapy services. By using this site, you agree to take full responsibility for your own mental, physical, and spiritual health and well-being. If you have any medical or mental health concerns, please consult with a licensed healthcare professional.

At Touchon Enterprises we believe that success is the result of hard work, education, and persistence. Examples given should not be considered typical and there is never a guarantee of results. Information provided is educational in nature and is not legal or financial advice. By using this website or any related materials you agree to take full responsibility for your own results or lack thereof. Our team is here to support you, but you should always do your own due diligence before making any investment or taking any risk. Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility.

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